So you decided to dive in and see what Hippy Experiments is all about. Well, everything came about by happy accident really. I am Hippie Ang with a creative streak that runs all over the place. This website was designed to share all matters of creativeness that comes bubbling out of me. I have a traditional career and creating is my uncontrolled hobby.
The title of Hippy Experiments started as a #hashtag I would use on social media when I would post my art. I started using said hashtag when I had a slight obsession with experimentally photographing bubbles (weird I know). I do realize “hippy” in the title is spelled wrong. I chose to spell it with a “y” to be aesthetically pleasing. I couldn’t have two “e’s” cozied up to one another! So, Hippy it is.
Hippie Ang is not really old enough to be a true hippie. I have been drawn to the hippie culture my entire life (which was probably quite disturbing to my very square family). The subject of most of my creations reflect my penchant for the whimsical and fantastical. My medium is really anything and everything, whether i’m qualified or not. That is where the word experiment fits in. My ideas can get out of control and sometimes I start out way more advanced than my experience. I can take a simple inspiration and turn it into a big production of an ordeal….. all in good fun!
I have sold my work from time to time. Even tried vending at a couple local festivals. I had great experiences and learned that festival vending is a lot of work. My first vending experience I was unprepaired when patrons asked for a business card or web address. I had neither. Social media was how I was sharing my escapades. I have grown an aversion to posting on social media for many reasons. What do you do when you want to share your creativeness and you don’t want to be swallowed up by the social media abyss? You make a website.
Thank you for stopping in! I hope you find joy while scrolling through the glimpse of my mind. If you haven’t been frightened off, stop back soon. I have many experiments and adventures to share. Tons of finished experiments and tons of half finished experiments to share. Past adventures to fill you in on and new adventures on the horizon! If you did find you enjoyed this experience drop a comment or email, I’d love to chit chat with everyone.